Monday, March 29, 2010

Suspension School - Time in now...

Brainstorming out loud here...

I definitely think participation in sports programs needs to be tied to behavior as well not just grades.  I can tell you several students said they felt that the reason some kids are not disciplined is that they are on a sports team -- whether this is true or not it is a perception.  Similarly open campus is a privilege and not a right - it should be curtailed for students with behavior issues.

If AUSD had an in-district suspension school program at least for violence/multi-day suspension/repeatedly suspended kids -- the district would then not loose/forego state funds right?  That money could then go to actually pay for the running of the suspension school.

Work assignments could be communicated, kids could be evaluated for special education and other services that may have not been properly identified. Specialist teacher / school psychologist/counselor or non-profit partner agency could be based close by if not in/next to the room. Staff cost could be covered by replacement of lost income district forgoes to suspend and send home.

We could possibly have a special suspension school bus that picks up and drops off those kids so that they are safe/out of the hair of the other school they are suspended from. Free school lunch to keep all kids on campus and make sure that hunger/blood sugar is not a culprit.

If over time these kids could then not be successful in the general population -- they keep getting suspended, but were still trying -- then the next step would be to setup a separate permanent program and offer the choice of that or expulsion.  Unfortunately you need to be careful then of separate but unequal.

It just would not have to be more fun than a normal classroom/school experience that a troubled kid would want to go there -- my nephew is one of those serially troubled kids who'd probably rather be in the small class and get the extra attention vs. figuring out how to be successful in the traiditonal program

Room at District HQ or that other closed down elementary on Albany Hill that houses NSELPA Campus / MacGregor could possibly handle this...

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