Thursday, March 25, 2010

My response to the AlbanySchools Moderators choice to remove my original message

We are headed to court tomorrow/Friday and these and more will be public records and technically youth are not protected other than at 18 they can have youth criminal records sealed for past behavior. Any reports in the media, their behavior online or in public are not protectable and they have no rights/demands to squelch hide -- in this internet age that is their punishment. These kids need to know that their behavior now will have consequences forever -- just like the psychological damage they are causing. Any further attacks after restraining orders are in place -- this group of kids will be charged as adults.

Please make your policy statement public so that people on the list know -- transparency is best in moderation.

On a personal level, I have been threatened by one child's parents who has broken my sons nose twice on school property -- they also similarly abuse & bully school staff which is one of the reasons why the school staff did not follow through on the policy! There is a reason why their kid is a bully. If any list moderator has been threatened by them now or in the future please make sure they know they should immediately call 911 and save any evidence, gather witness names.

Please know, I will attempt to repost that message with edits saying student 1, student 2, etc., a note that the original message was removed referring to your post on the removal with my disagreement but understanding. If you want any further edits to that before the repost -- have the moderators review and offer them back. This is too important a topic to have it completely silenced/erased.

I will make a statement in that re-post to let people know that putting the names public has allowed other parents to contact me, the district and now the police to report crimes and have conversations with their kids that has uncovered unreported bullying/crime. This has clearly helped show that there is a multi-year, multi-site, multi-kid pattern of escalating intimidation, bullying, threats and violence and expose the severity that several kids have received over time from a core group. It has also shown that the district has not dealt with these kids in a long term, comprehensive student discipline based view that could/should have resolved this matter under existing behavior rules before it escalated to repeated violent attacks.

I have also gathered the last 2 years worth of emails to the district where I have constantly asked for additional staff support, IEP meetings and a behavior plan that could protect my son and any other kid around my son because of "incidents." It shows a pattern of ignoring the problem, being out of compliance with federal and state laws, etc. The statement that "we never saw this coming" is incorrect, it is rather a we just did not listen to the kids and give any of it enough attention until some parent decided to go public -- thank God this was before a more serious event.

Since this latest event the bullying, threats and intimidation continue and in some ways are worse and seem to look like they will only get even worse as the police finally begin investigating this. I will leave it up to the police and prosecutors to decide what things they feel they can prove and move forward with as charges.

Once we get through this phase and things begin to settle down -- I am very interested in solutions / raising the bar for behavior between kids and giving all kids the tools & training to help stop bullying and increase the sense of community. Unfortunately, I don't think that is realistic until they see there are consequences and we go through a "truth & reconciliation" phase.

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