Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday Update

My son was again attacked at AMS this morning before the start of his second period. He was on the blacktop playing basketball and not in the office where he volunteers during first period -- his choice/mistake to not be in the right place as has been discussed with me and the school.

The AHS student first yelled/initimidated from the bike path as he had done the previous day during open campus/lunch. My son said to go to his school and leave him alone and reminded this AHS student was not supposed to be on AMS property/harassing him. The AHS student then went onto AMS property and calling names and trying to start a fight. My son was headed to the office to report this as the AHS student was stalking him from 5-7 feet behind but closing fast all the while calling names/trying to provoke a fight. The AHS student then pushed him from behind and Tupac took his basketball and threw it at the student -- in his mind "defending himself" -- as the AHS student continued to threaten and push him as he continued to walk/run to get help from the office.

The AHS student was allowed to walk off AMS property without being told to stay. My understanding is that the police were not called but need to verify that as neither my son nor other witnesses have been interviewed by the police department. This incident should have been reported to the police as I have previously asked district personnel that any violence or threats involving my son REQUIRE immediate police reporting so that they can be investigated.

This is the 4th incident with this individual AHS student in less than 2 full months including an attempted theft/robbery that occured at El Cerrito Plaza on a Saturday.

Later this morning the Super. & the AHS Prinicpal met to handle the disciplinary issues with this specific AHS student and it is now being addressed under school policy. Which means home suspension -- leaving the student free to roam the community if his parents choose/are unable to supervise him.

The district beleives the other previous incidents require additional reseach and investigation and wanted to make it clear that was begining to happen. I have contacted the hospital to get all the records of previous attacks/ER visits as well as the Optrician to get all the records surrounding his special perscription glasses that have been broken during incidents which leave him legally blind.

This afternoon there meeting with Super. Marla, Nick B. of Special Education and the Principal and Vice-principal at AMS. They and I are all now mostly on the same page. We have a behavior plan in place that should provide adequate supervision during the school day and transportation plan that should help reduce the chance of a before/afterschool attack. Super. Marla said she is meeting with the Police Chief to get a handle on the overall safety issues and cooperation needed.

However as we left AMS after this meeting, Tupac was taunted by several kids and told that the student who has repeatedly threatened to kill him was closeby on the bikepath waiting to finish him off.

Albany Police still have not responded -- it has been a week.

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